Way to go to totally rip off Cyanide and Happiness Art... and to use tweens to move side to side... and that was it.... I didnt like it...
Way to go to totally rip off Cyanide and Happiness Art... and to use tweens to move side to side... and that was it.... I didnt like it...
A lot of people use the art style, I'm not the first to "rip" it off.
You just ripped off the biggest stick flash idea... Its been done... and better... and all you did was take the idea and make it horrible.... I dont see how you got this approved... I mean this was just horrible.... DOnt copywright infringe...
I liked that song... What was it... and btw it was good... awesome animation
Thanks man. I forget the name of that song but I know it's by "polysics" happy searching!
to awesome
just to awesome...
Your a good animator... but every fight you do is to short... I mean its like Oblivious Always wins in like 8 seconds... i mean its just boom bam... Oblivious wins end.... I mean there isnt any real looking challenge to it... I mean It looks as if oblivious is God Modded... I mean he has unbeatable powers...and you make all the other guys clumsy and easily beatable with one hit... I mean there needs to be some type of awesome drag on.. I mean i so far Hate Your character Oblivious... I mean usually i see RHG's and people post the characters powers int he summary... And its not Sweat... that equals Sweat as in the stuff that comes off your body and under your armpits... ITs sweet.... people always mispelling words and submitting stuff... Gahd anyway ... your good at animating just make it more of a challenge.. like Chunk some of the god modded powers away from oblivious or create a character of Equal power to Oblivious so it could be a fair battle... and make it where its possible for your character to lose not 3 seconds K.0.
... i dont know what to say...
Other than that sucked major balls...
That was great!
Frickin great job man...
Thanks a bunch
Rocks out with its cock out...
I love this series to much I downloaded all the episodes... C:
I CANT STOP WATCHING THERE SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! serioulsy All i can think about is this.... its on my mind now and i cant get it out...
"I Imagine everything differently then everyone else. I just explain it so you think you can relate." -Me Well... Im Aaron...Im 15 and I love Video Games,Reading, and Writing...I draw on Occasion... but not the best artist...I'm A Sophmore in High School
Age 31, Male
Video Gaming
I dont know you that well.
Joined on 1/24/09